More adorable mobile pics lol


Yes. We take too many pics of ourselves..haha I have to have the memories though and she’s just so cute. Z turned 4 months on the 8th! She’s so flipping big and she started rolling over about a week ago. She’s so good at it lol I’m just waiting for her to start crawling and sitting up now. A strong girl, that one. 😀 2 month shots happened today. It actually went way better than the first time although she did take forever to go to bed tonight. Whew. I’m ready to hit the sack. Gnight

Growing Girl


Azalea is 3 months old today! Like every mom says, “I can’t believe it!”
We went on a walk earlier. Leaving the park I was telling her that I loved her and I thought, I’ll always tell you I love you. Every day. There can’t possibly be a day where I won’t say it. I feel like saying it all the time. Our relationship won’t be like my mom and I’s. We barely ever say it. I hate that. You and I will have the BEST relationship. We will talk about everything and I will let you get your nose pierced when you are older if you really want to. I will take you out to ice cream late at night and we will sleep in a tent in the yard all summer. I’ll let you try on my makeup and heels. I’ll buy you your first concert tickets. I will try my hardest to be there for you every day of your life. I will support you in anything you choose to do. I love you. I love you
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Mobile photos for the week


Little Babe


Hey guys! Its been a little too long again…I have been a bad girl and slacked on my photos. This last week Andrew had a little extra time off so we partied a little (what I can even call partying lol) and we went to the lake! UGH I didnt even take any pics there except one! Damn.
We FINALLY got a car that works. Omg I can’t even tell you how nice it is to know that I can drive somewhere without the car just dying randomly and having to sit and wait in the heat for it to start again. So we drove our new car to the lake with Dad, Uncle Kalin and Mila dog. They strapped the kayaks to the top so we had a full load on the way. It was so beautiful out. When Z slept I went out in the kayak and messed around. We made burgers and brats. Yum!  Oh! Which reminds me…I made yummy banana nut bread…with a brownie bottom. It was delicious!
All in all, we had a great week 🙂

Little Mayflower continued


Grandpa calls Z Little Mayflower. She was born in May and is named after a flower. It fits 🙂 Today Z and I went for a walk then came home and had a little picnic in the front yard. It is so nice out today. 🌞 She is starting to make so much noise! Andrew loves getting her to ‘talk’.